Lab scheduling round robin with a timeslice of 4 ticks
Lab scheduling round robin with a timeslice of 4 ticks

Round robin (RR) is the most common preemptive scheduling policy used in time-shared operating systems. Scheduling criteria (e.g., waiting time, turnaround time and number of context switches (NCS)) are used to compare CPU scheduling algorithms. CPU scheduling is the basic job within any operating system. Minimizing time cost in time-shared operating system is the main aim of the researchers interested in CPU scheduling. To the best of our knowledge, the contribution and findings are not in the literature. The findings can be a basis to design the logging systems in an IaaS cloud, to decrease hardware and energy investment. Found three main findings include: firstly, the accuracy of the enhanced system is about 20% on maximum better than the unenhanced one the enhanced system accuracy becomes 100% lastly, the enhanced system can detect a file with the smaller file size as almost 12% smaller. We analyze the results and propose to use the taskset tool to enhance the accuracy of the system. To measure and enhance the unenhanced system, we increase the main memory and CPU cores of the VMs then collect the accuracy results from each increment configuration.

lab scheduling round robin with a timeslice of 4 ticks

We measure the accuracy of the unenhanced logging system, then find a quick solution to enhance the system based on the results of the measurement. The main contribution is that the enhanced system can work with a better system's accuracy and speed, with the simplicity of the design and implementation. We introduce the novel technical results of the enhanced logging system for customer virtual machines (VMs) in an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud. We have also evaluated the performance of the proposed approach on different datasets and measured the different scheduling criteria. The proposed work consists of calculation of priority on the basis of the difference between time spent in ready upto the moment and arrival time of the process, to ease up the burden on the ready queue. In this paper, a reformed variation of the Round Robin algorithm has been introduced to minimise the completion time, turnaround time, waiting time and number of context switches that results in the better performance of the system. Round Robin is known to be the most recurrent pre-emptive algorithm used in an environment where processes are allotted a unit of time and multiprocessing operating systems. Different scheduling criteria are used to evaluate Central Processing Unit Scheduling algorithms which are based on different properties of the system. In order to assess the performance and effectiveness of the proposed approach, five different scenarios have been implemented the comparisons made with existing works have shown that the proposed approach improves the average waiting time and the average turnaround time, which ensures better scheduling of tasks and better use of resources.ĬPU scheduling is the reason behind the performance of multiprocessing and in time-shared operating systems. This algorithm can be applied in any operating system and therefore in the cloud computing environment. The use of burst time as parameters in our model ensures a more suitable time quantum. Our analytical model takes into consideration different parameters to determine the order of tasks execution. In this paper, we aimed to overcome these challenge by proposing an improved Round Robin scheduling algorithm using a variable time quantum based on an analytic model. The effectiveness of Round Robin depends on the choice of this parameter. Round robin is one of the most powerful algorithms in this field but its main challenge is the choice of time quantum.

lab scheduling round robin with a timeslice of 4 ticks lab scheduling round robin with a timeslice of 4 ticks lab scheduling round robin with a timeslice of 4 ticks

A lot of research has been carried out to propose more efficient task scheduling algorithms. If ( (current != null) & (current.isAlive()) ) import .dl. is one of the most important issues in the operating system, such as the tasks must be affected to the appropriate virtual machines, considering different factors at the same time to ensure better use of resources. set the priority of the scheduler to the highest priority * this method puts the scheduler to sleep for a time quantum Private static final int DEFAULT_TIME_SLICE = 1000 // 1 second

Lab scheduling round robin with a timeslice of 4 ticks