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SotD/LotW archive pages have bigger thumbnails and improved paging.tutorials pages updated to match current massassi style (old versions available on tutorials that originally had non-standard formatting).levels/files list updated with bigger thumbnails, rating highlights, and improved paging.levels/files pages updated with bigger thumbnails, more detailed 3d preview.I will try to fix that this evening or tomorrow.

I am aware that some levels aren't rendering properly in the 3dpreview. Welcome to the new version of The Massassi Temple! Almost every section of the site was updated so if you encounter any errors please report them on the forums. One interesting one is "obj_to_ndy.py" which exports the selected object and it's hierarchy to NDY/JKL file format. There is also a separate repository of blender scripts (which require the sith plugin to be installed). That's why addon is currently in beta to find any bugs before final 1.0 release. There might still be some edge cases where this addon won't work correctly (e.g. Haven't tested much of the KEY & 3DO exporting, thou helped me testing few models in the game. I ran batch script to import all 3do models from JKDF2 & MOTS to make sure they load up properly in blender. The addon was better tested with IJIM game assets then other games. The pivot point is baked into mesh (for now) and won't be exported in node entry. type flags of mesh polygon face, extra face light, geo & light mode, KEY flags, vertex colors etc. Initially addon was created for modding IJIM and now expanded to all games based on Sith engine.Īddon allows you to edit all 3DO & KEY specific properties in Blender e.g. PocketGamer: A stellar combination of graphics, entertaining action, and robust multiplayer. The best smartphone FPS series returns with even higher intensity and apocalyptic battles.
The blender-sith addon is fully fledged Blender 2.79 addon for importing/exporting 3DO models, KEY animations and importing mat textures into Blender for games: JKDF2, MOTS, DroidWorks and Indiana Jones & Infernal Machine. Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation v1.0.1 Apk Full Working on All Devices. Ever wanted to edit JK/MotS 3d objects in Blender? How about animations? From Crt Vavros via Discord: